curious, not creepy.

end of the world.
September 10, 2009, 6:28 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , ,

my internet was shut down for about the past 5 days, i had to steal it from my neighbor or venture out into the world to track it down. it’s weird to think how dependent we’ve become on it, not having it with ease was such a pain in the ass and lord knows if i don’t check the ol’ facebook the world was going to end. 

but anyways, probably the most annoying part of the whole ordeal was having to call the cox customer service line. why? because you get to talk to a robot woman. now, this sounds like it could be kind of rad in theory but in action it fucking sucks. you have to pick the correct general topic and then filter through them with her from there. and i know that her voice is supposed to be soothing and calming, but all i wanted to do was rip my hair out. especially since there is no return to main menu button or phrase or whatever. 

**HINT– if you’re on the phone with cox and just want to talk to a HUMAN interrupt her and say ‘customer service representative’ or scream ‘I JUST WANT TO TALK OT A FUCKING HUMAN’ and she’ll direct you to one immediately**

once she was actually helping me troubleshoot my internet i became kind of impressed with the whole thing. she could respond to my questions and reset my modem from wherever she is. it’s kind of cool that someone can program something to be so smart. but then i started getting creeped out about robots taking over the world and such. i’ve realized that i like the idea of robots because in my head they look like cute little objects like this:

or like this:





































but what they’ll probably end up being like is this:

and i’m not the biggest fan of that idea. at all. 

moral of the story – we’re fucked.

3 Comments so far
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For serious:

Comment by Kay

damn you skynet!!

Comment by chriiiistian

girl, i was outta internet for like 1 whole month. talk about fucked. actually, i was outta a computer for 1 whole month. miserable

and yeah, i usually yell at the robot recording also… i hate those damn things

Comment by molly

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